We're selling at the Sturgeon bay Farmers market this Saturday 9-noon. We will also be dropping off an order for Olive Bar to one of the other people in Shaun's dads office building who said after the samples he brought in for everyone she "fell in love with the Olive Bar". YAY! 2nd time we've received an email with good feedback! Now that the farmers markets are open for the season I'll be trying out new locations weekly.
I'm also meeting with one of the owners of The National Cafe because they my be the first retailers to sell our soap! I'll know more Monday afternoon.
Created a listing on www.GreenPeople.org & peninsulasoap@gmail.com will be notified when your free listing (# 59321) is made
visible. The review process takes 1 - 2 weeks.
I also added us to Google Places & placed free ads on Shepherd Express & Craigslist online plus I got all our products listed & reviewed on Sustain Lane and Olive Bar and Door County Cherry are now on Etsy.
I also contacted Vegan Essentials today based in Waukesha with a strong online presence to see if they would be interested in carrying our soap so I'm also waiting to hear back from them.